Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Journal Entry 14

The final entry, it feels good to know that I have plowed through the reading, some was enjoyable other bits a little trying and I am finalizing my script. I like to wait until the very last second to submit so I know in my own head that I tried to the end. I guess at some point as Lamott says you have to hang up and go but it all seems so important and I really try so hard to just get it right. I then have to stop and reflect on life in general then....I don't like every show on the air, doesn't mean it is bad, its just not my cup of tea. Just like I really like Bird by Bird but Three Genres while instruction was not my cup of tea for enjoyment. I am hoping to end this course with flying colors although I am afraid that the colors flying will be less than superb. I overall have truly enjoyed the cumulative experience of this course and really look forward to future writing and reading. Just not in the form of a script :)

Journal Entry 13

I am tired of reading the book, my brain is on overload and I know the end is near (of the book that is). I however, took alot from the instructions on comic conflicts in Three Genres. I think that the comedy I enjoy is more slapstick and exaggerated so I have tried to a certain extent to bring that to my script. I want to incorporate more ambivalence however I have found this difficult, of course that in and of itself is interesting too. I have already set the tone for the protagonist and antagonist of my script but I need more angst between my sisters in this script. Maybe if I become less tired of instruction and really reflect on Three Genres my mind will come full circle.

Journal Entry 12

Oh the struggles of the script. I have written about 5 pages and I really like my story line and concept. I think that it relates to the reality of life in a seinfeld manner yet houses the humor or at least I hope of that of Friends and still has the intimacy of the show sisters. I just wish that I was more confident of my ability with this. The script is due soon and I am at a block mentally. I keep re-reading it and ammending certain parts only to find that I change them yet again. I know the relationship between sisters so I feel that I have their familiarity with each other down part. The hardest part is not having them reflect too much of the same. Problem is my only point of reference with sisters is me and my own little sister and well we share one brain, at least thats how it feels. Onward I suupose but regardless I still struggle.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Journal Entry 11

HOORAY! I did well on the poetry assignment, that fact alone has given me a new braveness in the script writing process. I decided that writing an Episode of Friends would really do the show no justice and well I would not want to systematically destroy the humor that Friends has graced our lives with. After making this decision I thought about a show that I used to watch with my mom. It was called Sisters, I LOVED IT!!! SO I thought maybe I can write my own show about sisters who have similar humor to that of the cast of Friends but I can draw from my own life and use some of my memory bank to encourage the show. SO here it is a tv show called "Product of Divorce" I have decided to name th epilot episode "Happily Never After" I am having fun with it alothough I still have a great deal of fear that I may never actually make millions and have the next hit TV show...kidding (at least about the next hit TV show part.)

Journal Entry 10

Ah the text book, an instruction manual on writing. I like the way I can use it for a reference when I have a question about style or some other writing issue. It is a little dry to read but hey its a text book. The poetry section really was a great guide for this last assignment. I loved reading all the poems and learning about ways to make words art. I read the poem The Afterlife and I really enjoyed it. I rather liked the lines "How easy it is to say good-bye now to what was once firm and dear, and to that word forever." I guess this poem touched my heart as how I hope it is for people when they move onto the next life. I want it to be easy, or at least I want to believe that it is easy for people to let go of forever and the ties of the flesh. I read this poem over and over again just getting lost in the words and letting mkyself wonder. I was amazing to really see the beauty in the words and in their meaning. I have taken a new approach to reading poetry and I have this text to thank. I appreciate the art and importance behind each word and the way the words lay on the page.

Journal Entry 9

I decided I truly enjoyed the poetry assignment. I am waiting for the grade still and have been trying to think if I could have done anything better, revised a little more or just tried a different style. I guess it was just time to put the "pen" down and submit. I did however find that poetry was enjoyable, especially when you really try to make the words a visual instead of just formed letters. I am trying to think of new ideas for the next assignment of the Script. I am terrified of this assignment. I keep thinking I want to try and write a script from Friends but I think that trying to maintain the amount of humor in this show would be difficult and I would not want to slay a wonderful show with my attempt at writing for it. Perhaps I will try and write something and let someone else read it to give me sme direction. I really want to be able to write a script that is funny and meaningful yet in the line of friends or Seinfeld, about nothing but really its just everyday life and the funny happenings that drive our life force. I am struggling even with a concept. I hope to log an idea the next time I have a journal entry.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Well my poems are done and submited. I saved and resaved then started over and finally decided that I wasn't listening to my inner voice. SO I logged my initial ideas and let my heart take the pen and started to write. I am happier with the selections I posted especially a poem about a friend who committed suicide and how he held his dark secret of deprssion in until it finally caught him. I talked about an animal that passed and my past as a swimmer. I attempted a "patriotic" poem which was short but I think relevant. I also created a poem about being a mom, I hope the layout of the words catches the attention of a mom or really any parent. I clustered words to encourage faster reading and made caps points that can be taken as a shout at perhaps a child as instruction or the internal dialogue of the mom as she runs around all day. I really had fun with this assignment once I let my pens guide be th experience of my heart.
I hope the reader (s) enjoy. So far the people I have shared these poems with enjoyed them, but they may be biased since they understand me.